China daily_A vampire shopper 半夜网购的人


“A vampire shopper 吸血鬼购物者” 听起来虽然很吓人,但这个英语说法所描述的人在生活中其实并不少见。它通过传说在夜间活动的虚构生物 “vampires 吸血鬼” 来比喻喜欢在夜晚上网购物的人们。

Since our son was born, I rely completely on buying what I need online. I have become a real vampire shopper while feeding him in the early morning.


According to statistics, the average vampire shopper buys 20% more than the average daytime shopper.

据统计,夜晚网购人的购买量比白天网购者平均多 20%。

When Claire can"t sleep, she goes online and buys things. She"s become a vampire shopper, which is an expensive new habit!
